5 Benefits of Coal Mining

In today's technologically advanced times, various energy-generating resources have now been innovated to become both efficient and sustainable. Among these resources, coal mining has been used because the 1800s until today. It still proves to be one of the world's primary sources of energy especially in Australia, where old and new companies, such as Kestrel Coal Resources, continue to be operating. However, it's been an interest of debate as to whether coal mining is truly sustainable or not.

 Image result for kestrel coal mine

To answer this question, here are a few of the advantages of coal mining and why it's still used as an energy resource.

Reliable source of energy

Coal as an energy source is known for its reliability and stability compared to other energy sources. It has the capacity to supply power during peak demand times irrespective of environmentally friendly or economic circumstances are. It's unlike oil, that could be susceptible to shortages or embargos. It can also be better than hydro power as it doesn't depend on rivers that might dry up or freeze over. A brand new Australian and Indonesian owned company, Kestrel Coal Resources, is taking advantage of coal mining's reliability as well.

Cheapest power source

In comparison to nuclear, oil, and gas, coal is undeniably cheaper to mine and produce. Coal deposits – or wood that has been buried and placed under pressure for millions of years – are that's required for coal power plants. Extracting and mining coal deposits isn't as expensive as another power sources either. Coal mining companies such as Kestrel Coal Resources are purchasing this source of energy to power Australia without costing too much during production.

Low environmental impact

Generating energy using coal actually has fewer negative impacts on the surroundings than some energy resources. True, any type of fossil fuel being burned is detrimental to the environment. However, considering our power needs, coal appears to be probably the most practical alternative compared to solar and hydro power. It can also be safer than nuclear power plants. Some companies, such as Kestrel Coal Resources, are adapting environmentally responsible steps in generating power through coal mining.

Job opportunities

From mining coal deposits, transporting it to the plant, burning the coal, and disposing the ashes, coal mining requires labour. Thus, it gives plenty of people with job opportunities. Fortunately, there are several coal mining companies in Australia, among which is Kestrel Coal Resources. Through them, many local Australians around coal mining regions are shown occupations.

Australia's primary energy source

As a nation that's primarily reliant on coal, it happens to be generating around 73% of Australia's electricity. The united states is especially mining brown and black coal, making natural gas only the next supplier of energy. This is why Kestrel Coal Resources and other individuals are investing on coal mining. Not merely is it economical, but it can also be practical and reliable.

Despite being fully a new company in Australia, Kestrel Coal Resources has already been eyeing to become a high-quality large-scale coal producer. They are envisioning to offer a successful coal mining operation for their community. See more at https://kestrelcoal.com/
